
KiCad PCB for Seeed Studio Fusion PCB service

I have used the following KiCad PCB Layers:
  • F.Cu and B.Cu
  • F.SilkS and B.SilkS
  • F.Mask and B.Mask
  • Edge.Cuts for PCB edges

To generate required files open the Plot window (Main menu: File -> Plot) and make the settings like in the following image:

Press the Plot button to generate required gerber files then press the Generate Drill File button and make the following settings:

Now, press the Drill File button and close those windows.

The generated files should be in the Output directory.
To check generated files you can use KiCad's integrated viewer for gerber files, GerbView.

To build the final archive:
  • rename all files from the Output directory to <projectName> but do NOT change their extensions;
  • rename the <projectName>.gm1 to <projectName>.gml ;
  • rename the <projectName>.drl to <projectName>.txt ;
  • create a zip archive named <projectName>.zip with all 8 <projectName>.* files.

The <projectName>.zip archive is ready to be sent to Seeed Studio's Fusion PCB service.

Note: these instructions are for KiCad 4.0.0-rc1-stable.